Where do we ship or deliver to?

  • We only deliver locally in Miami to certain Zip codes. To find out if you are eligible click here to see what our delivery range is and which zip codes are in our delivery zone. We ship to many states as allowed to by law, check your address at checkout to see if you're eligible.

Why don’t we allow pick up?

  • This site is setup to only to do local delivery. For that reason there are price differences and you may find better prices in store.

    Why are the prices different here compared to the store?

    • We try to offer the most competitive pricing we can. Prices may be higher due to special in store only promotions we receive from our suppliers that are passed on to you there.

      Why isn’t there any information about my rewards account online?

      • Due to the technology available to us we are unable to connect our online wine shop with our in store rewards. If you send your transaction information to onlinesales@el-carajo.com with your name and rewards number (usually your phone number) we would be happy to add to your points for use in store.

        What is your return policy?

        • All sales are final. We also know sometimes issue do arise so if there is an issue with your order please contact us at OnlineSales@el-carajo.com as soon as possible.

          Is there a delivery fee?

          • Yes our current fee is $20 per local delivery. Shipping varies based on your location and weight of your order.

            Is there an order minimum?

            • There is no order minimum.

              How long does delivery take?

              • Local delivery is set up for a 4 hour window after ability to receive order is confirmed. Shipping will be fulfilled in 1 to 2 business days and UPS takes on average 2 to 5 business days to make the final delivery. Pickup orders will be ready within 3 hours.

                Do I Need an Id to accept delivery?  

                • Yes you need to have a valid picture ID that shows that you are over 21 years of age. Any orders that cannot be delivered due to no one being able to or willing to show ID will be subject to our restocking fee and may lose their free shipping discount.